SEMI,- global industry association
SEMI is the global industry association serving the manufacturing supply chain for the micro- and nano-electronics industries, including:
- Semiconductors
- Photovoltaics (PV)
- Flat Panel Display (FPD)
- Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
- Printed and flexible electronics
- Related micro- and nano-electronics
Advanced UV for life,- by German ministry of Economics
“Advanced UV for life” is a consortium founded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education an Research) within the programme „Zwanzig20- Partnerschaft für Innovation“. The consortium joins 29 universities, research institutes and industrial companies. "Advanced UV for life" aims at developing semiconductor light sources to open up new markets and expand existing ones for UV technology - from tailored semiconductor devices to assemblies and modules to the final application in the fields of medicine, water treatment, production and environment and life sciences. Until 2019 “Advanced UV for life” will be funded with up to 45 million euro.
SENTECH Instruments takes part in the development of the needed semiconductor technologies and devices in order to allow the production of the required light sources for the shorter UV wavelength range and the production technology for these UV light sources.
IPVEA,- international photovoltaic equipment association
The International Photovoltaic Equipment Association (IPVEA) is an independent, non-profit organization of manufacturers and suppliers of photovoltaic (PV) fabrication equipment and related raw materials used in PV ingot, wafer, cell (crystalline and thin-film), and panel manufacturing.
The association’s member companies represent the wide spectrum of equipment and materials including that related to crystal growth, diffusion furnaces, glavanics, laminators, laser systems, materials handling, metallization, printing, process integration, solar simulators, substrate handling, testing, vacuum systems, waste gas abatement, wet chemical systems, and related materials and professional services.
IVAM,- professional association for micro-mechanics
The IVAM is an international association of companies and institutes
EFDS,- European society of thin films
The EFDS (Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft Dünne Schichten e.V.) is
anonprofit association of vacuum and plasma based surface technology.
Member companies, institutes and private individuals operate in:
- Process development
- Plant engineering
- Materials technology
- Contract coating
- Application field of surface technology
SILICON SAXONY,- European industry association
Silicon Saxony e.V. is one of Europe’s most successful association for the semiconductor, electronic, software, photovoltaic and microsystems industry.
The competencies of its member companies represent the entire value creation chain of the microelectronics industry. From the design and cooperation with suppliers, from silicon to the wafer, from ultramodern manufacturing processes to the individual chip all the way to complete applications, the members of Silicon Saxony provide innovative services, premium quality, and state-of-the-art technologies. In addition, the member companies increasingly enter growing sectors like the photovoltaic and solar industry.
DFF,- German flat panel display forum
The DFF is a growing international organisation of more than 65 member companies and institutions from all parts of the flat panel display community:
- Research institutes
- Material and component suppliers
- Manufacturing and process equipment suppliers
- System integrators and distributors
- Display end users
DGPT,- German plasma technology association
The DGPT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Plasmatechnologie e.V.) declares national and international plasma technology support as its objective.
Plasmatechnology as cross-sectional technology is often not visible to outsiders. So DGPT strives for popularizing the vasatility of this application.
AMZ,- executive getting together
The Analytik Manager Zirkel (AMZ) e.V. is a German organization of managing directors and executives from analytical industry with the goal to unite customer's and company's intrests.
OpTecBB,- competence network for optical technologies
Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. is an initiative of companies, universities and scientific institutes to strengthening the economic power of the Berlin-Brandenburg region through joint activities using the potential of the optical technologies.
Its members focus on:
- Networking of regional potential of optical technologies
- Transfer of knowledge and technology
- Initiation of R&D projects and cooperation
- Platform for information and communication
- Joint marketing campaigns and exhibitions
- Representation of interests to politics
BEN,- Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Network
The Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Network e.V. (former Berlin Solar Network) is the central representation of interests of solar industry and related research establishments in the German capital and surrounding region of Brandenburg.
It promotes the exchange of ideas between science, economy, and politics to get the environment-friendly solar energy more intensively used.
TKA,- Adlershof technology circle
The TKA (Technologiekreis Adlershof e.V.) is a community and representation of interests of the technologically oriented commercial enterprises at Adlershof's science, commerce and media location.